Welcome to the Decarb Guidebook
Building Codes & Design Standards
State & Local Regulations
Technologies: Load Reduction
Technologies: Dehumidification
Technologies: If you must have a gas-fired boiler
Technologies: Central Plant
Technologies: Domestic Hot Water
Technologies: Steam
Technologies: Load Shifting and Energy Storage
Technologies: Emerging Technologies
Motivation Program
Pilot Projects
How to Pay for Decarbonization
Community Discussions
1. The First R: Reduce
The first of the 3 R's, REDUCE! Reduce loads and level the playing field to decrease the ...
1. The first R: Reduce
Workshop Date: 02/23/2021 - 11:00 AM PT
The first of the 3 R's, REDUCE! Reduce loads and level the playing field to decrease the lift. Discussion topics will include minimize reheat, displacement ventilation, control strategies, better zoning, building analytics, building envelope, and improved heat exchangers..
Panel Discussion
- Travis English, Chief Design Engineer
- Heather Burpee, Research Associate Professor
- Austin Barolin, Senior Energy Analyst
Interactive Breakout Sessions
Regroup Summary
Continued discussion on Decarb Healthcare Community
Upcoming Workshops
- Collaborate effectively to identify methods to reduce reheat loads in healthcare
- Identify barriers to implementing load reduction strategies
- Identify techniques to reduce or eliminate these barriers
- Learn strategies employed by healthcare organizations that have achieved net zero
Current State
- US Hospitals rely on reheat to heat spaces.
- Traditional ventilation design is done by cooling supply air to an overall supply temperature and then reheating at the terminal units.
- Current codes require minimum air changes per hour (ACH) which is a legacy design methodology intended to maintain occupant safety and comfort but are not based on any real IAQ data.
- Reheat loads are exceptionally high and the largest load in a hospital by far.
- Culture of traditional design methodology is seen as a barrier to change.
- As a design community, we must recognize the problem(s) and be willing adapt as part of the solution(s).
- The community had a great breakout session brainstorm to get the ideas and thoughts flowing. Brainstorm ideas here
- All ideas are welcome. Share your insights from the workshop here
Call to Action
- Continued discussions on load reduction and reheat reduction measures can take place on the Decarb:HEALTHCARE community here
- As a community, we need to share our ideas and practices to reducing loads, identify barriers, and develop solutions to implementing these measures.

John Doe
8 seconds ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam, voluptatum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam, voluptatum.

John Doe
18 seconds ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam, voluptatum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam, voluptatum.